Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Pardon Our Dust

You might have noticed that Musical Decomposition has been on a bit of a hiatus.  For the past two-and-a-half years.  Yes, I am not unaware of the lag.  

What is the fate of MD?  Are there future Decompositions on the horizon?  The answer is a definite, possibly, maybe yes-and-or-no.  

As I've grown and matured as a theatre artist, I have broadened my horizons beyond the sphere of musical theatre.  I have studied Shakespeare.  I have performed Greek plays.  I have delved into stand-up comedy and improv.  I have premiered many an experimental, God-forsaken off-off-Broadway show.  At this moment I am happily ensconced in a Renaissance Faire and am content to gorge myself on smoked turkey legs until my contract runs up.

Meanwhile, I have not performed in a musical for about two years.  I still love musical theatre.  I still believe in it as a medium, and I believe that amazing things can happen when all the elements are in balance.  I began acting in musical theatre and I am in no way done with musical theatre.  In short, I have no problem with musical theatre.

But I do have a problen with Musical Theatre People.

I'm not talking about directors, composers, writers, actors or any of the artists involved with making musical theatre.  I'm talking about the groupies.  The ones who buy ticket after ticket for Spring Awakening but never see a straight play in their lives.  The ones who can quote every line from RENT but have no idea who Henrik Ibsen is.  The ones who bury themselves so deeply into this world of choreography and belted E-flats that they never even attempt to enjoy anything else.

You know the ones.

I first became suspicious of musical theatre people when Sodomygate hit and the Broadway message boards went absolutely apeshit.  Reasonable people were reasonable, but the crazies were absolutely horrid in their condemnation.  There was slut-shaming.  Some tried to justify Barbour's actions (which were mere speculation at the time).  Many accused the young woman (whose identity was concealed from publication all during the legal process) of acting on an opportunistic impulse.  It was a completely ugly affair and for the first time I felt sickened by the Broadway community.

The ax didn't officially fall until almost a year later while I was on tour.  I was having an argument with another actor in the cast.  She was of the opinion that in terms of depth, intelligence and musical quality, Wicked far surpassed the collected works of Gilbert and Sullivan.  I insisted that she was both wrong and high.  By the end of the conversation I was exhausted.  Thinking back on that conversation, I feel exhausted again.  At that point, I was done with Musical Theatre People.

And as I have grown away from the Cult of Idina I have felt this blog become less of a priority.  I still have ideas for Decompositions in my head, but it is getting harder and harder to get them down.  When I started this blog, I was living at home, floating in and out of minimum wage jobs and desperate to find an outlet for my artistic longings.  Now I am officially an adult, auditioning and working full-time and trying to manifest my longings into a career.  It's funny the way life gets in the way of life sometimes.  Not that I call this blog my life, but it's a part of my life.

My point is, I can neither confirm or deny the death of Musical Decomposition.  If you have been waiting all this time for an update, I am incredibly sorry...and a bit scared of you.  For the love of God, go outside and do something.  See a play.  May I suggest something by Ibsen?

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